Welcome 2019! The new year brings the opportunity to look back on the year before, with all of its blessings and learning experiences, while challenging you to make goals for the year to come. Some people don’t make resolutions; some make them and quickly break them, but why not allow yourself to have a fresh start and becoming a better you. Value yourself and what you have to offer: be your own kind of beautiful.
The first couple of months of the year normally bring in the coldest temperatures so warm footwear is definitely must. A pair for cozy sheepskin slippers with a durable crepe sole are a great option. Choosing a slipper, which is warm and cute, can help accent your outfit and help you to enjoy self-reflection by the fireplace. Grab your preferred warm beverage and cozy up with an oversized blanket scarf, as you watch the falling snow from the back window. The freshly fallen snow, without blemish or mark, can serve as a metaphor for your new year: make it yours!
Relaxing and giving yourself the chance for some me time doesn’t have to mean lounging in frumpy pajamas. Allow your eyes to shine with neutral golden tones, reminiscent of the roaring fire and the sparkle you have inside yourself. Pairing a pink, oversized top with fitted jean leggings is a smart choice to stay comfy and cute. So, let us welcome this new year and embrace being your own kind of beautiful; let your beauty shine from the inside out.